Democrat Party backs Gay Marriage on Party Platform
This past weekend the Democrat party backed Gay marriage for the first time on their party platform. The choice this November on moral issues could not be clearer. Do you support Gay marriage and abortion? The democrat party does. Thankfully here in Arkansas we passed the defense of marriage act defining marriage as between one man and one woman. But as we have seen in Washington with President Obama's refusal to defend DOMA just having the law doesn't prevent Officials from ignoring it or the will of the people who passed it. Case in point here is Governor Beebe's latest appointment to the State School Board. Dr. Jay Barth is a liberal political science professor from Hendrix who happens to be a homosexual activist and married to another man. I have not heard a single word of opposition to this appointment from any of the democratic legislators in Arkansas. On the case for abortion the democrat party in Arkansas killed 10 prolife bills proposed by republicans in committee this past legislative session and brag about it. I am a republican because they represent my Christian values, faith in God and what the bible teaches about life and marriage. I am a business owner and I am passionate about seeing our state prosperous, but my hopes of seeing the laws in Arkansas reflecting our Christian family values about abortion and continuing to reflect them on marriage drive me even harder to win this election in November!"
Dear Mary:
I want to respond thoughtfully to your campaign advertisement, and I hope you'll read my response as carefully as I read your advertisement. It should be noted that the "Democrat party" did nothing. It's called the Democratic Party. You're right, though. The choice on moral issues could not be any more black and white. I want to know how you live with yourself. The democrats support gay marriage? I don't. I support everyone's right to marry. Homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, pansexuals, etc., are all human, just like you. You are on the wrong side of morality, Mary. I'm going to assume that you aren't racist. Well, actually, I'm going to assume that you advocate racial equality in public, even if you think minorities are inferior. Now, imagine the kind of outrage you would be met with if you replaced "Gay marriage" with "interracial marriage." How silly would you look if you tried to deny brown-eyed people the right to marry other brown-eyed people?
Homosexual individuals are no more responsible for their sexual preference than blue-eyed people are for their blue eyes. You may be under the impression that people choose to be homosexual. To that, I have to ask how it matters. Additionally, if you do think people choose it, you are simply wrong. Every reputable scientist can attest to that. If you deny people the right to marry who they love, you are no different than the racists who claimed that allowing a black person to marry a white person is immoral and would ruin marriage for everyone else. It's time to put the bigotry aside, Mary.
You seem to be opposed to Dr. Barth's appointment to the school board, because he is a homosexual. I would really like to know how it matters. What if you received a letter saying that you should be opposed because you are a female? I understand that the Christian bible condemns homosexual behavior, but it also condemns you, a woman, from teaching or holding authority over a man in 1 Timothy 2:11-12. How dare you use the exact same book to condemn this man? Does he do his job? Does the fact he is sexually and emotionally attracted to men somehow change his job performance?
I am of the opinion that you are far less qualified to hold a seat in congress than Dr. Barth is to be on the school board. You are putting your own beliefs on a higher pedestal than the rights of the citizens you wish to serve. How dare you claim to be qualified for the job you seek?
On the case of abortion, until you take action to right the real moral injustices of the world, should you really worry about these issues? Of course, I'm sure your response to that question will be that the killing of children should be a high priority for any moral person, and the Christian bible backs you up. I would like to know, specifically, where the bible condemns abortion. Perhaps you'd appreciate Psalm 137:9?
"Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock."It seems that the very same book you use to oppose abortion isn't too opposed to infanticide, so why are you? The children who are killed in the bible were already born, rather than fetuses. I guess that makes sense, given the religious right's opposition to helping children who have been born.
I suggest that, if you plan to use your religion to dictate how everyone else should live, you learn what your bible says on these topics. According to Matthew 10:35-38, Jesus specifically says that people who do not leave their families, take up the cross, and follow him are not worthy of his grace. In 1 Corinthians 7:1-9, Paul makes it very clear that the only reason people should get married is to avoid being sent to hell for the sin of lust.
Again, I submit that you have no authority to speak on morality, Mary. You clearly are a bigot. You are not a selfless person that an elected official should be. You, like everyone else who reads the bible, pick and choose what you believe should be enforced. Under no circumstance will I ever cast a vote in your direction. I could never vote for a person who believes such vile things, and espouses them with the grammar of a second grade student.
I thank you for your time, Mary. I hope you find happiness by letting others be happy.
Feed and care for the poor, biggest thing with Christ. So unlike the issues mentioned above, it is actually in the bible. Republicans want to starve the poor, disenfranchise the widows and let the elderly die. They want healthcare for none except the rich. Those are NOT Christan values.